Many times your husband will come home to you, tired And discouraged. Not because of over work, as you might
think, but because somebody has wounded his pride. Perhaps he was not shown appreciation for something
good he had done. Or he may have been criticised or reprimanded by a superior. Maybe a customer, or a work colleague made a hurtful remark. He may have made a foolish mistake that embarrassed him in front of his co-
workers. That’s very common.Most men are too ashamed to reveal the real reason for their discouragement, so resist the urge to pry. He’ll tell you If he feels like doing so.

gettyimages grief man woman comforting upset depression posed by models

Try and appreciate the heavy responsibility your husband carries throughout his life, especially his working life..

However, this is the time he needs you most. THIS IS THE MOST IMPORTANT TIME OF THE DAY FOR THE FASCINATING WOMAN. This is the time to heal his wounds. Ignore any grumpy remarks. Make allowances. Don’t
react. Remember he is your Number One. The children can wait. The meal can wait. Make him comfortable. Listen to him talk if he wants to. Give him at least thirty minutes of peace and quiet.
That’s not too much to ask is it? His better side will soon surface, especially after he has eaten.


Going home to an unsympathetic wife is the main reason a husband leaves his wife for another woman. And always,
for a woman who is more sympathetic to his needs. A woman who soothes his hurt pride. A woman who gives him
some admiration.

The great responsibility men carry

Please try and appreciate the heavy responsibility our husbands carry throughout their

lives, especially their working lives. When a man marries, he takes on his shoulders the burden of providing for a family. He cannot lay this burden
down with a clear conscience as long as he lives. He knows his family’s success and welfare rely heavily on his efforts.”
“The burden is with a man twenty-four hours a day. Most men take this responsibility very seriously. A feeling that he is failing in this masculine role can hurt his pride so much that he can turn to drink, or drugs, to dull the pain and disgrace he feels. Also, your husband’s work world is competitive. His job is never 100% secure. There’s often constant pressure  on him to exceed last year’s efforts. Pressure to keep up  with competitors, and his peers. And as he ages, energetic  younger men sometimes surpass him and are placed in  positions over him.


Why some women want to choose a life career in that masculine, high pressure environment I do not understand.
It’s not the glamorous world we daydream it to be.
Why you should comfort him lovingly
when he arrives home

When your husband arrives home, even if he’s in a good mood, don’t greet him with your problems. Don’t let the children go to him with their problems. Don’t quiz him about his day. Rather, just give him smiles, comforting words, and a sympathetic ear. A man cannot help but deeply love a woman who treats him lovingly, and comforts him when he
is tired and discouraged after a long day. Take the time to look your best for him. Wear feminine clothing, of the kind you know he likes to see you wear. Organise the children and the evening meal to give him his thirty minutes peace and quiet to recover. Then wait until he has eaten before raising problems that need his
attention. Turn a blind eye to his less than best behaviour as he collapses and unwinds. He has come home to you to
recover. He is tired of being his best all day. Mother him a little. He will quickly bounce back, and treat you like a Queen.
Why he comes home late

Most women find that very annoying when a man comes home late. Just be forgiving. It’s not that serious. He’s more important than a cold meal. A man’s job is important to him. And
customers and bosses sometimes make extra demands on his time. Remember he’s out there working to provide for
his family, for you. Some men show their love by working hard, but we wives don’t always see it that way. Appreciate what he’s doing.

Sometimes a man has to work long hours to build up a business, or get out of debt. He may put all his energy into his work and neglect the house maintenance for a time.

If you have a hard working husband, be proud of him. And don’t encourage him to take retirement early, if at all. That’s not good for a man. Edison the inventor was a hard working man. He worked right up to his death at age 84. His hard work gave us the blessing of electric lights, recorded music, motion pictures, and other inventions.

We must attract our husband home, not try and force him home. It just does not work. So to sum up, your husband needs you to comfort him when he’s discouraged. He needs you to heal the wounds that others have inflicted on his pride. When you do this, you become indispensable to him, and he will love you tenderly in return.


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