It doesn’t matter whether people identify as 1970s (i.e., liberal or leftist) feminists, conservative feminists, or even non-feminists—most Americans think like a feminist even as they vociferously deny being one. They believe men and women should be considered equal not in worth, for that’s a given, but in biology, physiology, and psychology. They believe men and women should approach life in the same way when it comes to sex, marriage, careers, and children. They believe that if it weren’t for feminists, women would be considered inferior to men. But that is all false propaganda, so there’s no reason for conservatives to align themselves with feminism. In Letters to a Young Conservative, Dinesh D’Souza wrote, “I am a conservative because I believe conservatives have an accurate understanding of human nature and liberals do not.”3 That is the same number-one fatal flaw of feminists. These women, and the men in their lives, do not have an accurate view of human nature. By denying the differences between males and females, they set themselves up for failure. That’s why feminists are such an angry and disagreeable bunch. It’s impossible not to be bitter when you’re banging your head against the wall, trying to keep the sun from rising. If you ask any woman today who has young children and a full-time job, or any woman who sleeps around indiscriminately, or even the average middle-class single mom who most likely initiated her divorce, she’s likely to say she’s not a feminist. (All public opinion surveys report that the majority of women do not want to be called feminists.) Indeed, she has probably never joined a feminist cause in her life, nor does she necessarily have a strong opinion on the matter. But her lifestyle is a direct result of feminism’s influence in her life. That is the insidious nature of the feminist revolution, and it is the reason why it’s the most significant social movement of our time. Undoing the damage will not be easy—but it is possible.

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